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Showing posts from January, 2011

The color clock | experiment

Inspired by Hemanth H.M's color clock project , I created my own color clock . The idea behind the color clock is to represent time in a hexadecimal color value, that can then be used to dynamically color something, like the clock background. For example 21:01:14 can be broken apart to: 21 which can be converted to C4 in Hex 01 which can be converted to 35 in Hex 14 which can be converted to 5C in Hex Putting all three numbers together gets us the color #C4355C . It has been built with Javascript and uses some CSS3 features for the design (the color transition and the radial background).

Beautiful typography for the web

There are already many websites that have began using custom web fonts using @font-face to beautify their website. Bringing custom fonts to the web increases the range of possibilities for web designers, however it can also be a drawback, if the fonts aren't used carefully. Firstly, novice designer may try to use too many different typefaces on a single website, which can become distracting and disconnecting. It is important to realize when too much is too much. As a general rule, when designing a website I never use more than three fonts. Usually I select a font font the headlines and another for the content. If required I add a third font for lower level headlines, however I prefer to use different alternations of the same font. Secondly, by using too many custom fonts, the size of the website increases. Custom web fonts have the drawback of their size. Using three to five custom fonts on a website can increase its weight by about 0.5MB which is not negligib...