It's been months since I wanted to learn databases and create a dynamic website, but it's only this weekend that I acted. In two day I learned how to use MySQL with PHP in websites and created a small project that I call "Books I've read" that stores a list of books I read (obviously). I am an avid reader and I've been storing the list of books I read (and want to read) in a text document for about a year. Finally, my project moved this list to the cloud and allows me to add, edit and update entries. The app has user authentication, so no one except me can alter my book list. The design was made in a hurry, but is good enough for my needs. Instead of using normal CSS for styling I've used LESS CSS, a dynamic stylesheet language that extends CSS with dynamic behavior, nested rules, mixins and logical operators. LESS CSS has made styling faster, but unfortunately it relies on Javascript. Without Javascript activated the website breaks. And t