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How to differentiate between a Zeelander 44, 55 and 72?

One day, your life might depend on being able to tell the difference between a Zeelander 44, a 55 and the 72. At first glace, these boat models are quite similar to each other. You could easily think that a Z44 is a Z55 closer to you. Three different models. Which is which? To figure this out, you can spend 5 hours manually reviewing and annotating a thousands photos, deleting bad training data, and staring at tiny thumbnails photos of these boats until your eyes start bleeding. Then, put this data into a ResNet34, and see that after all of that effort you are able to tell each model from the others 60% of the time. In other words, it guesses correctly less than every two out of three attempts. A ResNet34 can tell these models from each other 60% of the time. That's crap. A waste of time and money. Here is how you differentiate these models like a human. The Z44 has windows in sets of two, the Z55 has windows in sets of three, the Z72 has an uneven window layou...
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Project planning in a text file

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Selenium testing in Jenkins with an in-memory X server

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A more confusing Internet with .brand TLDs

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